Chillin’ at CCW? We'd love to see you!

Find us in the Kindness Lab at booth #917,
and don’t miss hearing from Walmart, U-Haul, and Lowe’s on Tuesday!

3d illustration of a hand holding 3 pink balloons.

Kind-ify your brand.

Tuesday, June 20, 11:00 a.m. in Workshop B

It’s no secret that kindness makes people feel valued, appreciated, and happy. So, why not add some kindness to your brand’s experience strategy?

In this session, you’ll hear from pros at Lowe’s, U-Haul, and Walmart who are doing just that. And because we practice what we preach at Mindful, we promise to be kind and spare you the sales pitch.

Scientific beaker and test tube
Expo Hall

Join us at the Kindness Lab.

Look for Booth #917

We’re eager to talk about how to bring a bit more kindness to your customers and employees. Full of games, good vibes, and a few demos, we’d love to have you stop by and stick around.

Let’s get some face time.

Whether you’re interested in talking 1-on-1 with one of our clients, seeing how Mindful can further your total experience, or just wanna chit chat, let us know ahead of time so we can be in touch!

But wait…what is
this Mindful thing?

If you’re new here, welcome to the party! Mindful’s capabilities create a cohesive, total experience for customers and agents through our Callback, Scheduler, Handoff, and Feedback solutions.

Watch a quick overview below or explore our site for more!